From Artificial Intelligence to its many uses, misuses and abuses – Differences between ethics, regulation, norms, standards and deontology

University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering and Institut français de Serbie invite you to a unique lecture that will inspire you to think differently about the world of artificial intelligence:

🗓 When – 05.12.2024. at 11.00
📍 Where – ETF, Amphitheatre 65

Professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, one of the world’s leading experts in artificial intelligence and ethics, will speak about:

  • Development and application of artificial intelligence
  • Examples of violation of moral norms due to the mass application of artificial intelligence
  • Existential risks of generative AI systems

Who is professor Ganascia?

Professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the Sorbonne University and Chairman of the CNRS Ethics Committee) is a leading expert in the fields of artificial intelligence, ethics in computer science, and digital humanities. He is a member of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He is the author of over 500 scientific papers, has won numerous awards throughout his career, and recently published a book that attracted global attention in 2024: “Artificial Intelligence Explained to Humankind”.

If you are interested in how science, ethics, and technology are shaping the future, attend this exceptional lecture and join the discussion on the key ethical and technological challenges of artificial intelligence.

See you at ETF!